Holding Technical Degree (Preferably Process/Chemical Engineering).
Min 3 years’ experience in the oil and gas sector within production / drilling projects or operations.
Min 3 years’ experience of Plant Operations either as a Unit Operator or Production Engineering Role.
Project Design experiences at concept selection, FEED, Detail Design and subsequent Production stages an advantage.
Required Competences:
The job holder must have proven:
Knowledge of the Technical and Safety issues of exploration and production activities.
Knowledge of the safety regulatory frameworks of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Proven track record in the preparation of technical documentation to a high standard.
Proven ability for innovative thinking and application to problem solving.
Ability to understand plant documentation such as (but not limited to): Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams, Fire & Gas Plant Layouts, Equipment Specifications, Codes & Standards.
Proven ability to work in a Team, self-motivator with good personal, written and presentational skills with MS software.
The job holder is responsible for ensuring support to HSE Cases activities under the supervision of the Head of Technical Safety Engineering and in particular:
Support the design reviews of the Active and Passive Fire Protection Systems and the Fire & Gas Detection, and safety equipment requirements.
Supporting the preparation, development, and approval of Design Safety Engineering Documentation such as Hazardous Area Layouts, Fire and Gas Detection Layouts, Area Protection Layouts.
Support the Maintenance of existing and the Development of Safety Critical Elements and Performance Standards.
Develop skills as a Scribe at Risk Assessment activities chaired by Head of Technical safety, internal or external chairpersons.
Prepare Technical Safety Documentation in support PCN/MOC/design/engineering documentation.
Undertake tasks on behalf of Head of Technical Safety or more Senior Engineers as directed.
Assist with engineering investigations, surveys and studies necessary to develop area of work assigned.
Develop awareness of relevant Risk Assessment engineering technologies and bench marking Risk Assessment activities against Company actives to ensure Best Practices are being used in the venture.
Develop a deep understanding of relevant RoK Legislation, Codes, Standards and Procedures.
Develop an appreciation of own and other disciplines' activities within the venture.
Develop Personal skills required by a professional engineer. Where appropriate, undergo rotational professional development in other locations, disciplines, etc and gain experience on a construction site/fabrication yards and operating facilities as opportunities arise.
Develop and demonstrate personal self-motivation by reading technical literature related to Technical Safety Risk Assessment.
Participate on specialist courses for technical and personal skills (including but not limited to) : PHAST, QRA Tool and FIRST, HAZID/HAZOP Member, Root Cause Analysis.
Atyrau, 5/2.
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