Job Accountabilities:
- Control and supervision over the performance of all mechanical engineering maintenance work directly during, before and after the PPM;
- Providing technical assistance and coordination in the implementation of individual work packages, as well as conducting on-the-job training/mentoring as necessary in order to ensure the competence of staff in terms of fulfilling their responsibilities.
Qualification requirements:
- A maintenance specialist with extensive experience in this specialty, who has the necessary knowledge and experience to assist in maintenance and consulting on a wide range of construction mechanical engineering works. More than 20 years of experience in this field is desirable.
- Highereducationinengineering and technicalspecialtyorequivalent to it.
- In-depth knowledge of all aspects of construction work, proven experience working on international projects.
- Assistancein taking into accountallpossiblescenariosin the planningprocess,includingshutdownsforrepairs,thanks to the opportunity presented,ensuring the optimization of the use of forcesandmeansand the ability to quicklyadjust the plan taking intoaccounttheopportunities that have arisen,bothinternalandexternal.
- Provision of technicalassistanceincarrying out allmechanicalconstructionworks,bothplannedandunplanned.
- Exercise of the mainleadershipfunctionin terms ofpromotinginitiativesin the field of maintenanceimprovement.
- Interactionwithlocalandforeignsuppliersontechnicalissues.
- Development of the scope of work, the plan of technicalassessment,calculationsforvariousworks.
- Ability to workwithcomputerprogramssuchas:CMMS(SAP)andMicrosoftOfficeapplicationpackage.
- Excellentorganizational skills and abilities; writtenandoralcommunicationskills;problemsolvingskillsandanalyticalthinking.
- Excellentinterpersonalcommunicationandmotivationskills.
- Ability to workin a multinationalenvironment.
- Provenworkexperience as a mentor/supervisorin terms oflocalstaffdevelopment.
- Knowledge of English is required.
Aksai (field), 14/14
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