The skill of recruiting and the art of managing it is the key to the success of our company

Recruitment Specialist's Assistant

Assistant to a recruitment specialist Batyrzhan joined the Kaz Project Operating team in 2024 and is currently engaged in recruiting for various projects in various industries. He participates in the process of selecting suitable specialists in this field who benefit the company's clients. He also conducts salary market research, selection and preliminary interviews with candidates; organizes the placement of job advertisements and helps candidates prepare for an interview with an employer. He is also responsible for analyzing and fully understanding the requirements of clients and the projects themselves in order to conduct recruitment campaigns in accordance with them, and find the most suitable candidates.

Before joining our organization, Batyrzhan worked as a lawyer in a private company (Business Lawyer, ) has experience in bankruptcy of individuals and also gave legal advice to individuals.


Qualifications, Membership in Professional Organizations and Knowledge of Languages:

Republican Higher Technical College.Specialty: Technician-Technologist.