The skill of recruiting and the art of managing it is the key to the success of our company

Chief Recruitment Specialist

Marat joined the Kaz Project Operating team in 2018. He conducts recruiting campaigns for various projects of the company, selecting the most suitable candidates for certain vacancies. He also conducts research on the salary market, selection and preliminary interview for candidates; organizes placement of vacancy announcements and helps candidates prepare for an interview with the employer.

Prior to joining our company, Marat worked as a Career Guidance Consultant at the NIS PMD in Uralsk. He provided vocational guidance support for students and their parents in choosing a university and the country of training, registered graduates of the school for admission to international universities, was preparing the necessary package of documents for admission to universities (full admission office).He  prepared documents for receiving tourist, working and student Visa to foreign countries.

 He has a wide experience of working with embassies, consulates and visa centers of countries such as Great Britain, USA, China, the countries of the European Union, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Canada, Hungary, UAE, Qatar, Indonesia, Finland, Norway.

Qualification, Affiliation to Professional Organizations and Language Proficiency:

Master of humanitarian science in International Relations. KazNU. Al-Farabi

  1. Further training - 2017 Internship "PolyU Counselors Days 2017" Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
  2. 2015 "Career counselor" Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea, Consultation on vocational guidance.
  3. 2014 "Vocational guidance in educational institutions: innovative approaches in the work of career counselors" USA, California, San Mateo, Silicon Valley

Marat is fluent in Kazakh, Russian and English.